Thursday March 20: 7:30-10:00pm
(RSVP by giftedinfrance@gmail.com by Sunday March 16, Subject: Learning Differences in Gifted Children)
You are invited to come join a parent-to-parent discussion about the common myths we have about gifted children, and about some common and not so common learning disorders we find in some gifted children. "When a child has inexplicable or apparently careless errors or skill deficit, she should be carefully evaluated for sensory integration deficits, learning disabilities, or other neurological problems. Similarly, parents and professionals should look at the child's reaction to the environment. Some children, for example, experience sensory overload that prevents them from mastering a task... a diagnosis can also help a gifted child better understand her strengths and weaknesses, thus enhancing self-understanding and self-esteem. With twice-exceptional children, the giftedness component should always be incorporated when explaining the diagnosis and in educational planning," quote from Chp 12, "A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children." by Webb, Gore, Amend and DeVries. "Gifted children who suffer from a disorder-- whether vision or hearing impairment, physical handicap, learning disability,or behavior disorder-- often find that their intellectual needs and other gifted characteristics are overlooked."
Thursday March 27: 7:30-10:00pm,
(RSVP giftedinfrance@gmail.com by March 23. Subject-- Grade Skipping/Acceleration)
Guest Speakers are: Sophie Côte, Former President and founder of AFEP (Association Française pour les Enfants Précoces) will be joined by Florence Créneguy. For years, Mme Côte has fought for the needs of gifted children in France. She was also the Directrice of College du Cédre in Le Vesinet, where she started one of the first gifted programs in France. She has also written books on the topic. http://www.afep.asso.fr/accueil.html http://www.decitre.fr/livres/Petit-surdoue-deviendra-grand.aspx/9782226137869 Mme Créneguy is a teacher in the gifted program at Ecole Gerson's college section (r. de la Pompe, 16th). She also gives talks on behalf of AFEP to schools around the country at least a couple of times a year. Mme Créneguy will be on hand to answer questions and to help with any translation we need from Mme Côte.
Reading material: http://www.nationdeceived.org/ A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America's Brightest Students;
http://www.nagc.org/index.aspx?id=383 Position Statement: ACCELERATION; http://www.newhorizons.org/spneeds/gifted/forschmiedt_2.htm
The Acceleration Question: Should Gifted Children Skip Grades?
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