April 1, 2012

Essential Skills

April 1, 2012
Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves,
and it is tiresome for children to be always
and forever explaining things to them.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery,
"The Little Prince.”
Dear Friends,

Please join us for a last minute scheduled viewing of Richard Cash’s webinar before the long April break kicks off. 
Essential Skills for Adolescent Gifted Students
90-minute Recorded Webinar
with Dr. Richard M. Cash
Thursday April 12, 2012  – Two presentations, choose one.
Morning   11h30-14h00 (bring your lunch)
Evening   19h30-22h00 (bring a light snack for the table)
RSVP: Deadline mandatory by April 9
 giftedinfrance@gmail.com, Subject: Essential Skills. Please specify which time you are attending.  Minimum attendance of 5 people is required. First-come, first-served. Space limited.                                      
PARTICIPATION FEE:  5 euros for GiF members, 10 euros for non-members. (Checks payable to Gifted in France must be mailed in advance: Gifted in France, 39 ave de Versailles, 75016 Paris.
HANDOUTS: Slides of the PowerPoint will be prepared if RSVP is on or before April 9th.
LOCATION:  Paris, 75016 (near Radio France)

Webinar Description
: As gifted children move into adolescence, motivating and engaging them in learning becomes more complex and complicated. In many cases this perceived lack of motivation and/or engagement may be due to the students’ deficit in the academic strategies of self-regulation to learn independently. It is essential that parents and teacher assist students in developing the skills of self-regulation, including planning, organizing and meta-cognition. This session will offer suggestions as to how to develop self-regulated learners and ideas of how to encourage autonomous learning. This recorded Webinar,
organized and hosted by SENG, is presented in PowerPoint format.

About Richard M. Cash:

Dr. Richard M. Cash is the Director of Gifted & Talented Programs, K-12, for the Bloomington, MN Public Schools.