February 11, 2011

Gifted 101

February 11, 2011
Hide not your talents. They for use were made.
What's a sundial in the shade?
– Benjamin Franklin.
Dear Friends,

Please join us for the following presentation on understanding gifted children, to be held in the 7th arrondissement on Tuesday March 8,  19h30-22h00. You are welcome to join us even if you've already attended it in the past. The second part to this DVD presentation, Parenting Successful Children, will be held on Tuesday March 29th (there will be a separate announcement on this after the February break.)

Gifted 101:
Tuesday March 8, 19h30-22h00
Two DVD presentations by , James T. Webb, 45 minutes each. 
Followed by a brief discussion and getting to know other parents.
Bring along a drink or nibble to add to the table.
Location:  Paris
RSVP: RSVP by 5 March is mandatory as space is limited and event is being held at a private residence. 

"Dr.Webb describes the most common basic characteristics of gifted children and shows how/why some of these traits can actually result in underachievement, power struggles and failure to be recognized as bright."

- "As they enter school, gifted children are frequently criticized for the very characteristics that make them who they are. Dr. Webb describes the traits, common behaviors, and challenges for gifted children from preschool through adolescence."

1. A very useful book that is often used as a companion to the DVD's and SENG's parent workshop is called: A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children, by Webb, Gore, Amend and DeVries.) I'll have a copy or two you can have a look at.

With your RSVP, please indicate your portable and home numbers where you can be reached in case of an emergency.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me. Hope to see you soon.

Kind regards,

Helen Sahin Connelly
Gifted in France

Plasma Fusion Part II

February 11, 2011

Science workshop for Kids 9-14+ years-old.
Sunday March 13, 2011
Time: Two groups, two different times:
Group 1: 9-10 years-old: 12h00-14h00 (up to 8 kids per session)
Group 2: 11-14+ years-old and up: 15h00-17h00 (up to 8 kids per session)
Location: near Radio France, 16th

Stephen M. Elliott
The development of plasma fusion power plants will provide an abundant and environmentally clean supply of electrical power.  Once fully developed, this method of producing electrical power will produce more energy than is needed by our growing population, will not contribute to climate change, and avoids the problem of high level radioactive waste.

Following the popular plasma fusion power seminar last September, Steve Elliot is returning (as promised) for Part II.
This time he will present, “ the first development stage of the Split Torus Small Tokamak (STST), an actual plasma device that we will use to gain experience with ionized gas and tokamak machines. The STST will be developed over time and will continue to be part of future GiF workshops.”  Part II discussion will focus on ionized gas plasma and a review of the principles of tokamak fusion machines. 
RSVP:  February 14 for returning students to secure your spot
               March 4, for everyone else, space limited.
In part I workshop, on September 5, 2010, Steve discussed basics of fusion reactions, the tokamak fusion machines and tokamaks in different countries including the ITER tokamak being built in France.

If you are interested in the environment, energy, and big science, bring your ideas and join us. Aside from Plasma Fusion Power, in the fall of 2009 Steve also did a two-part GiF series on Thought Experiment/ Designing With Your Mind with two groups of 8 children who worked on the project over two weekends in a row. Steve is based in Colorado and travels to Europe for his work once or twice a year.

More About Steve:
Stephen M. Elliott: In 1975 at the Scaife Nuclear Physics Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh, Stephen M. Elliott started working in charged particle physics.  During his career, Mr. Elliott has worked on the development of ion beam sources, electron guns, linear accelerators, field emitting devices, magnetron sputtering cathodes, and plasma and ion deposited thin film coatings.  In 1991, he founded Thin Film Consulting to provide charged particle beam device design and thin film process development services.  In 1993, Mr. Elliott began using Vector Fields software for space charge beam device development.  Since then, he has developed models for the simulation of X-ray tubes, neutron generators, plasma and surface ion beam sources, electron guns, cavity resonators, klystrons, and ion spacecraft thrusters. In 2008, Mr. Elliott became the CEO and Sr. Scientist of Lamplighter Technology Inc.

Related links to Fusion Power:
b. http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/fu/Fusion_power

See you soon!

Best regards,
Helen Sahin Connelly
Gifted in France